BasicInfo: Title : loader CompanyCode : "00" ProductCode : injectload # The system doesn't actually care about this, 0282builder was # likely an artifact of their toolchain. We change it just because. ContentType : Application Logo : None TitleInfo: UniqueId : 0x13 Category : Base Version : 2 Option: UseOnSD : false FreeProductCode : true # Removes limitations on ProductCode MediaFootPadding : false # If true CCI files are created with padding EnableCrypt : false # Enables encryption for NCCH and CIA EnableCompress : true # Compresses exefs code AccessControlInfo: IdealProcessor : 1 AffinityMask : 3 Priority : 20 DisableDebug : true EnableForceDebug : true # For future use, this will be helpful. CanWriteSharedPage : false CanUsePrivilegedPriority : false CanUseNonAlphabetAndNumber : false PermitMainFunctionArgument : false CanShareDeviceMemory : false RunnableOnSleep : true SpecialMemoryArrange : true ResourceLimitCategory : Other CoreVersion : 2 DescVersion : 2 MemoryType : Base # Application / System / Base HandleTableSize: 0 SystemCallAccess: AcceptSession: 74 ArbitrateAddress: 34 Break: 60 CancelTimer: 28 ClearEvent: 25 ClearTimer: 29 CloseHandle: 35 ConnectToPort: 45 ControlMemory: 1 CreateAddressArbiter: 33 CreateCodeSet: 115 CreateEvent: 23 CreateMemoryBlock: 30 CreateMutex: 19 CreatePort: 71 CreateProcess: 117 CreateSemaphore: 21 CreateSessionToPort: 72 CreateThread: 8 CreateTimer: 26 DuplicateHandle: 39 ExitProcess: 3 ExitThread: 9 GetCurrentProcessorNumber: 17 GetHandleInfo: 41 GetProcessId: 53 GetProcessIdealProcessor: 6 GetProcessIdOfThread: 54 GetProcessInfo: 43 GetResourceLimit: 56 GetResourceLimitCurrentValues: 58 GetResourceLimitLimitValues: 57 GetSystemInfo: 42 GetSystemTick: 40 GetThreadContext: 59 GetThreadId: 55 GetThreadIdealProcessor: 15 GetThreadInfo: 44 GetThreadPriority: 11 MapMemoryBlock: 31 OutputDebugString: 61 QueryMemory: 2 RandomStub: 116 ReleaseMutex: 20 ReleaseSemaphore: 22 ReplyAndReceive1: 75 ReplyAndReceive2: 76 ReplyAndReceive3: 77 ReplyAndReceive4: 78 ReplyAndReceive: 79 SendSyncRequest1: 46 SendSyncRequest2: 47 SendSyncRequest3: 48 SendSyncRequest4: 49 SendSyncRequest: 50 SetThreadPriority: 12 SetTimer: 27 SignalEvent: 24 SleepThread: 10 UnmapMemoryBlock: 32 WaitSynchronization1: 36 WaitSynchronizationN: 37 KernelSetState: 124 DebugActiveProcess: 96 InterruptNumbers: ServiceAccessControl: - fs:LDR FileSystemAccess: - DirectSdmc - CtrNandRw - CategoryFileSystemTool # For FSLDR_GetNandCID SystemControlInfo: SaveDataSize: 0KB # It doesn't use any save data. RemasterVersion: 0 StackSize: 0x1000